Paintings and Rattlesnakes…

Before I continue with my post, let me just say that we had a frightening experience this weekend. While hiking with my brother-in-law in a beautiful forest near Nashville, Tennessee, we encountered a rattlesnake! We came within one stride of the four-foot creature before we realized what was happening. It began rattling, and we quickly retreated.Unfortunately, we had to pass the rattlesnake in order to return to our car, and although we waited several minutes, he didn’t seem to want to leave. My brave Mr. Handsome grabbed my hand and calmly led me through some brush on the other side of the path. Due to the rough terrain, we still had to come within about five feet of the snake. Thankfully, it didn’t strike, and we able to return to our car safely. Does anyone have any advice on what to do if you meet a rattlesnake?

Now, onto the post…

Mr. Handsome has been painting again. It’s been about five months since I have shown you his latest masterpieces, so I figured it was about time for an update.

This one is my absolute favorite. He completed it in March and hid it under the guest bed until our anniversary in June. It was all I could do to keep from peeking! The painting is a reproduction of one of our ocean engagement pictures. (We were engaged in Florida.)

Here are a few random landscapes that he has painted so far this summer…

Now before you start wondering why the next one is significantly lower quality than the others, let me tell you that it’s not Mr. Handsome’s. It’s mine. I’ll admit I haven’t painted a picture since elementary school, but I know it’s definitely not nearly as good as my husband’s paintings. Hopefully it’s a decent start, though.

3 Attributes Part 2

A few weeks ago, one of my readers challenged me to answer the question, “What are your favorite attributes about your spouse?” I posted them on June 29th.

Following that post, you all suggested that I ask Mr. Handsome to share his three favorite attributes about me. I mentioned it to him right away, but we’ve been busy this month, and he never had a chance to write them down for me.

Three nights ago while we were driving, I finally remembered to ask him if he had come up with three attributes yet, and he responded right away. It was clear that he had already spent some time thinking about it, which was sweet. 

I would love to hear you spouse’s favorite attributes about you. If you’re not married, feel free to choose another loved one, such as a parent or sibling.

Here are Mr. Handsome’s three attributes…

1. Her strong work ethic. 
Ellie is a hard worker and does a great job managing her three blogs while running our household.

2. Her Encouragement
When I return home from work, she always greets me with a smiling face. Whether I have had a rough day or a great day, she responds with encouragement as I share my triumphs and frustrations.

3. Her Compassion 
Ellie has great sympathy for others and is always looking for way to serve.

Cinnamon-Sugar Popcorn Recipe

Our Bible study friends make the most delicious treats! Last week, one of them brought a big bowl of cinnamon-sugar popcorn that was so wonderful I just had to ask how she made it.

The recipe is incredibly simple. In fact, it’s too short to even be called a recipe. Just make a bowl of popcorn–click here for my healthy “microwave” popcorn tutorial–and drizzle on as much melted butter as your heart desires. (I use a mixture of melted butter and melted coconut oil.)

Immediately after adding the butter, sprinkle the following three ingredients onto the popcorn:

Powdered sugar
Dehydrated cane sugar (like Sucanat or Rapadura)

How much you add is entirely based on personal preference. Be sure to stir the popcorn to make sure that each piece is coated well.

Shout-out to my friend who made this recipe for our group. Mr. Handsome and I sure do appreciate all your tasty treats!